Sailing Vision Trust

Get in touch

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about  participating in Sailing Vision Week as V.I. crew, or if you're a skipper/vessel owner and want to offer your help, please drop us a line at

For any other enquiries regarding the Sailing Vision Trust, please email

A picture taken from the fore deck of an underway yacht, looking back to the stern. A mixed female and male V.I. and sighted crew, with a female V.I. sailor at the wheel, are looking towards the camera, all smiling.


Sailing Vision Trust aims to cover our costs on an annual basis, relying on volunteers and occasional generous donations from private individuals and other charitable trusts. Additional funding would enable us to support volunteer skippers with yacht charter costs or to offer support to those V.I.  sailors who are unable to raise the funds required to cover the cost of their place. If you would like to support our work through a donation we would be delighted to hear from you by email at

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